Чорногорія є ключовим напрямком для інвесторів та новим домом для громадян світу (космополітів)
21st September, 2018Крихітна середземноморська країна, розташована між країнами - членами колишньої Югославії, знаходиться в центрі уваги завдяки її швидкому та сталому розвитку.…Το Μαυροβούνιο ως βασικός προορισμός για Επενδυτές και Ιθαγένεια
21st September, 2018Μια μικρή μεσογειακή χώρα, ανάμεσα στα σύνορα των χωρών της πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβίας, βρίσκεται στο προσκήνιο για την ταχεία και βιώσιμη…მონტენეგრო – მთავარი დანიშნულების ადგილი ინვესტორებისთვის და ახალი სამშობლო მსოფლიო მოქალაქეებისთვის
21st September, 2018ხმელთაშუა ზღვის ეს პატარა ქვეყანა, რომელიც ყოფილი იუგოსლავიის წევრ სახელმწიფოთა საზღვრებს შორისაა მოქცეული, სწრაფი და მდგრადი განვითარების შედეგად ყურადღების ცენტრშია…Take a sneak peek into the top 3 development projects in Montenegro
20th September, 2018With just 650,000 inhabitants and total area of 13,812 km2 Montenegro is considered to be the smallest country in the…مونته نگرو، مقصد کلیدی برای سرمایه گذاران و خانه ای امن و راحت برای خانواده ها
20th September, 2018یک کشور کوچک مدیترانه ای که در بین مرزهای کشورهای عضو یوگسلاوی سابق واقع شده است، با سرعت در جهت…New Cyprus legislation improves rights of expecting and new mothers
18th September, 2018Becoming a parent is undoubtedly a special and unique experience and as such requires careful consideration and approach for both…Montenegro as a key destination for Investors and a new home for global citizens
13th September, 2018A tiny Mediterranean country, settled between the borders of ex-Yugoslavia member states, is in the spotlight for its rapid and…Central Bank of Egypt defends Secrecy of Bank Accounts
13th September, 2018Head of the Tax Authority (ETA) of Egypt, Emad Sami, revealed on August 26th that an amendment to the Income…Tax incentives for Research and Development in Croatia
11th September, 2018In the period between 2007 and 2014, tax incentives in Croatia for research and development projects were granted based on…Albania changes Law on Income Tax; introduces incentives for agro tourism
11th September, 2018The Albanian Council of Ministers proposed a draft law to the Albanian Parliament, which introduces several changes to the income…