Montenegro Citizenship by Investment Programme
Why Montenegro
Since achieving independence in 2006, Montenegro has blossomed into the “unpredicted fast growth” star of Europe. It has rapidly become one of the most sought-after investment destinations in Europe and the Balkan region. Residency in Montenegro offers a range of benefits, including:
Low Income Tax Rates: Montenegro offers competitive tax rates from 9% – 15%, depending on the company’s profit, which makes it one of the most competitive CIT rates in Europe.
Strategic Location
Fast and simple Company Registration procedure
Flexible Visa Options
Ways to obtain Citizenship & Residency
Temporary residence permit
Permanent residence permit
With a residence permit for 5 years, one can apply for Montenegrin Citizenship
Temporary Residence Permit
An individual can apply for a temporary residence permit for a list of reasons. Examples include education, humanitarian reasons, use and disposal of the right to immovable property owned in Montenegro, residence of stateless persons, work, stay of a digital nomad.
Processing time
1 month
Requirements for application
Means of support;
Accommodation provided;
Have health insurance
Hold a valid foreign travel document or identity card
Hold a clean criminal record
Have proof of the justification of the request for the issuance of a permit.
Requirements for application are the same for all kinds of temporary permits application, with the main difference regarding proof of the justification of the request, which depends on type of residence permit the foreign national applies for.
Initial temporary residency permits are valid for one year and can be extended for an additional two years.
Permanent residency permit
A permanent residence permit may be issued to a foreign national who has legally resided in Montenegro for a continuous period of five years up to the date of submitting the application for the permit on the basis of:
– approved temporary residence;
– recognized refugee status or approved additional protection, in accordance with the Law on Asylum (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro”, number 45/06), i.e. approved asylum or subsidiary protection in accordance with the law regulating international and temporary protection of foreigners.
Processing time
6 months
Requirements for application
Stay in Montenegro for 5 years
Hold a valid foreign travel document, i.e., a travel document for a stateless person
Have health insurance
Have accommodation
Fulfill the language requirement

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