International Banking
International Banking and Substance
The growing need for transparency in international business, the upcoming automatic exchange of financial account information (CRS) between jurisdictions, and global anti-offshorization tendencies have all significantly affected the banking sector, resulting in stricter rules for both new and existing clients.
The difficulty of opening a bank account has significantly risen and the requirements have multiplied. Therefore, we must avoid leaving anything to chance. For these reasons, it is imperative to ensure a precise and thorough presentation of your application to them. The availability of a reliable and reputable professional introducer able to successfully represent you before the bank. The introducer’s credibility is extremely important.
Eurofast is the right choice. We are able to assist you during all stages of working with your bank.
How can we help you? We can assist with:
Choosing the jurisdiction and banking solution for account opening for individuals and legal entities Determining the type of account to be opened
Completing pre-check procedures with the bank
Collecting and preparing documents and information required by the bank in regards to the applicant itself and its ultimate beneficiary, assisting with completing various bank`s forms
Representing the client directly before the bank during all stages of account opening and maintenance, as well as provision of all necessary clarifications and explanations required by the bank on the client`s behalf
Arranging distance-banking and issuance of payment card(s) in the name of the client
Providing account management and bank signatory services
Establishing appropriate substance for your company.
Help you secure appropriate registration with the Ministry of Labor and employ appropriate number of personnel.
What We Can Do for You
Eurofast’s experts will provide professional assistance and tailor-made banking recommendations to help maintain and grow your business.

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