
Law 4646/2019, as in force, from 12.12.2019, introduced significant changes in the Greek Income Tax Code, amongst others, the long-anticipated non-dom regime for high net-worth individuals (HNWIs).

According to this new Law and the Ministerial Decision which further regulates in detail the implementation of the non-dom regime for high net-worth individuals (HNWIs) who now have worth-considering incentives for transferring their tax residency to Greece. The alternative tax regime (non-dom) dictates that the investor will pay a fixed tax of one hundred thousand (100,000) euro per fiscal year, irrespective of the total income earned abroad. This favourable regime can apply for a maximum duration of 15 years. HNWIs who choose to transfer their tax residence to Greece will enjoy the privileges of special tax treatment provided the below conditions are met:

  1. The taxpayer hasn’t been a tax resident of Greece for the past seven (7) out of (8) eight years prior to the transfer of his/her tax residence to Greece and
  2. The taxpayer has to prove that either (s)he or a relative have invested at least five hundred thousand (500,000) euro in real estate or business or transferable securities or shares in legal entities seated in Greece; the investment may have been made through a legal entity in which the taxpayer holds the majority of the shares.

Moreover, the individual has the right to request the extension of this regime to a family member. In that case, they will pay an additional tax of 20,000€ per relative while provisions on gifts, inheritance and parental gifts do not apply.

With the payment of this fixed tax, the individual bears no further tax obligation for income earned abroad and (s)he is also exempt from inheritance or gift tax on properties located abroad.

Eurofast’s team in Athens can provide assistance to interested individuals looking to benefit from the non-dom regime in Greece. For further information details please contact Maria Sarantopoulou, Chief Tax and Legal Advisor, at

Eurofast is a regional business advisory organization employing local advisors in over 23 cities in South East Europe & Middle East . The Organization is uniquely positioned as one stop shop for investors and companies looking for professional services in South East Europe & Middle East.

Maria Sarantopoulou
Chief Tax & Legal Advisor

For more information regarding the residency program click here