The amended Cyprus IP Box Regime

Following our last article on the expected amendments to the Cyprus IP Box Regime , on 14 October 2016, the Cyprus House of Representatives voted into law the revised IP Box Regime of Cyprus.

The new IP Box Regime, defines what constitutes qualifying intangible assets, qualifying profits/income, overall income and qualifying expenditure, as well as guidelines for maintaining accounting records.

The most significant change which will have an impact on many existing IP structures is that rights used for the purposes of marketing products and services such as business names, brands, trademarks, image rights etc. will no longer be considered as qualifying intangible assets.

Additionally, qualifying expenditure will only include the total research and development costs incurred in any tax year wholly and exclusively for the development, improvement or creation of qualifying intangible assets and where costs are directly related to the qualifying intangible assets. An uplift expenditure will be added to this.

The calculation of taxable income will remain consistent with the previous IP Box Regime, and continue to allow for an 80% of the qualifying income to be treated as a deductible expense for tax purposes.  In the case of losses only 20% of the loss can be carried forward or be surrendered for the purpose of group loss relief.

Proper books of account and records of income and expenses must be kept for each intangible asset by any person who wishes to claim the above described benefit.

The revised IP Box Regime is applicable from 1 July 2016 onwards.

How we can help

The above changes are significant and have a direct impact on existing or planned structures. Here at Eurofast, our tax and finance advisors are ready to assist you towards undertaking a review of your IP relevant arrangements in order to assess and evaluate the effect of the change and assist you in maintaining conformity in line with the new legislation, including windows of opportunity within the new IP Box Regime.

Zoe Kokoni, Director
Eurofast Taxand Cyprus
T.+357 22699222

Read also: Recent developments in the Cyprus Intellectual Property tax field: Are you prepared for 30 June 2016 and 31 December 2016?

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