Registering with Cyprus Tax Registry Shifts to TFA Taxpayer Portal

The Cyprus Tax Department announced that, from January 8, 2024, the submitting of requests for registration in the Tax Registry, will be available Online ONLY through the TAX FOR ALL (TFA) Taxpayer Portal. A prerequisite for submitting a request for registration through TFA is first to Create an Account on the TFA Taxpayer Portal.

More information can be found in the guides posted on website of the Department of Taxation under the TFA icon for:

  • Creating an Account at TFA
  • Electronic Registration Guide

Upon approval of your registration request, your Portal Account Taxpayer TFA is activated and connected automatically, with Your Tax Identification Number (AFT), about which you will be informed via the email address you have registered.

Furthermore, it is noted that after your registration in the register of the Cyprus Tax Department and activating your TFA account, the passwords are sent automatically and within the next three (3) working days, in the TAXISNET system, through which the Tax Return forms are still submitted.

It is pointed out that, from 08/01/2024, no requests will be accepted, related to registrations with Form T.F. 2001. Contact Information Changes through the TFA Taxpayer Portal TFA also provides the ability to modify some contact information such as: telephone numbers, addresses, e-mail addresses (emails), selecting the “Profile” section.  It’s important to note that for changes other than contact information, the traditional form submission process using T.F. 2003 still applies.

Should you need further information, do not hesitate to contact Eurofast office in Cyprus at [email protected]

Papademetriou Yianna Eurofast

Yianna Papademetriou
Payroll Specialist
Eurofast Nicosia
[email protected]

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