Eurofast; Transfer Pricing in Serbia

March 2014

Transfer pricing (TP) continues to be the most significant international tax issue affecting companies or Group of companies with related party transactions including those between a foreign legal entity and its Serbian permanent establishment.

In Serbia the transfer pricing legislation follows the OECD Guidelines and requires that transactions between related parties should be carried out in an arm’s length basis. The Serbian tax authorities through the TP Rulebook that was published on 12 July 2013 in Official Gazette of RS no. 61/2013, determine the general principles of TP in Serbia. Taxpayers should have the appropriate TP documentation in place in order to defense their policies.

Having appropriate Transfer Pricing documentation in place, eliminates tax risks of imposition onerous penalties for non-compliance with regulatory requirements.

  • Is your company required to have a Transfer Pricing Study?
  • Does your company have intra-group transactions?
  • Has your company purchased an asset from a related party?
  • Is there any loan agreement between the permanent establishment of a non-resident company in Serbia and the Parent Company located abroad?
  • Eurofast is organizing a transfer pricing seminar on March 6th at the Metropol Palace to discuss all the issues involving Transfer Pricing compliance in Serbia. Our Transfer Pricing Team will be available to answer all your questions in all Transfer Pricing matters affecting your business.

Due to limited seating registrations will be confirmed by a first come first served basis.

For more information, on the seminar please visit our website or contact Jelena Janjic at or telephone: +381 11 3241 484

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