- 23rd June, 2018Eurofast is very happy to announce the relocation to new offices to accommodate its continued growth and future expansion plans,…
- 1st June, 2018During 2017, and the first quarter of 2018, various double tax treaties’ (DTTs) developments have taken place in Cyprus, with…
- 1st June, 2018The National Assembly of Republic of Srpska adopted a Law that regulates the deadlines for settlement of financial obligations and…
- 30th May, 2018BKR International is delighted to announce that it has awarded its annual EMEA scholarship to Andri Argyridou, a Cyprus-based student…
- 25th April, 2018Akti legjislativ shqiptar i cili përcakton parimet dhe rregullat e përgjithshme për përgatitjen e standardeve të kontabilitetit, pasqyrave financiare dhe…
- 25th April, 2018Based on Article IV of the Article of Agreements of IMF, during March 2018, an IMF mission visited Tirana, with…
- 25th April, 2018Neni IV i Akteve të Marrëveshjeve të FMN-së, miratuar nga OKB-ja në vitin 1944, parashikon që çdo anëtar merr përsipër…
- 15th February, 2018The Albanian legislative act which defines the general principles and rules for the preparation of accounting standards, financial statements and…
- 21st December, 2017In memory of our beloved Director and friend, Panos Diallinas, Regional Director Eurofast Global who passed away on December 3,…
- 19th December, 2017Parlamenti shqiptar pas një sesioni të gjatë dhe debateve të shumta, miratoi me shumicë votash, buxhetin për vitin fiskal 2018.…