Three ways to a residence permit in Greece

Persons interested in obtaining a residence permit in Greece can choose one of many available methods of doing so.  Below we attempt to provide a brief overview of three of these methods as well as to summarize the procedures applicable in each case.

The first option of obtaining a Greek residence permit is available to financially independent persons who fulfill the following criteria:

  • Have obtained a special visa from the Greek consulate/embassy in the country of legal residence
  • Can provide evidence of sufficient funds, namely EUR 2,000 per month (increased by 20% for a spouse and 15% for each child) in the form of consistent annual income
  • Possesses full health insurance coverage issued by a private insurance agency and covering all risks typically covered for Greek nationals

A residence permit obtained by a financially independent person is valid for two years and may be renewed every three years.

The second Greek residence permit option is available to persons investing in real estate who fulfill the below conditions:

  • Have obtained a special visa from the Greek consulate/embassy in the country of legal residence
  • Legally own (either personally or via a legal entity whose shares are wholly owned by such persons) a property located in Greece with a minimum value of EUR 250,000 or have a 10-year time sharing contract in Greece with a minimum value of EUR 250,000 or have a 10-year lease of hotel accommodations or furnished tourist housing complexes with a minimum value of EUR 250,000
  • Possess full health insurance coverage issued by a private insurance agency and covering all risks typically covered for Greek nationals

Residence permits obtained on the basis of real estate acquisitions are valid for five years and may be renewed every five years as long as the Non-EU citizen retains the ownership of the property or contracts.

The third option presupposes the establishment of an own company or branch of a foreign company in Greece. In this case, the applicant must:

  • Have obtained a special visa from the Greek consulate/embassy in the country of legal residence
  • Have the capacity of a Member of Board, Shareholder, Administrator, Legal Representative or Chief Executive of a company or branch of a foreign company in Greece
  • Possess full health insurance coverage issued by a private insurance agency and covering all risks typically covered for Greek nationals

This type of residence permit is also valid for two years and may be renewed assuming conditions continue to be met.

Our team can assist you with document collection, preparation of the necessary forms and their submission to authorities as well as with representation in all communication with the authorities. We can also assist with finding and acquiring immovable property, preparation of necessary agreements, opening of bank accounts and VAT refunds.

For further information or clarifications please contact us at +30 210 825 77 22 or [email protected]

Zoe Kokoni
[email protected]

Maria Sarantopoulou
[email protected]

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