Taxand 2014 top tax advisors rankings

Taxand 2014 top tax advisors rankings
45 Taxand locations recognised for quality tax advice

Taxand, the world’s largest global organisation of tax advisors to multinational businesses, has achieved widespread global recognition in the International Tax Review’s ‘World Tax 2014,’ for the fifth consecutive year. The comprehensive annual guide to the world’s leading tax firms and tax advisors listed 45 Taxand locations including Taxand Cyprus, Eurofast Taxand for the high quality and excellence of their tax advice.

Over two thirds of Taxand locations are ranked in the top two tiers, illustrating Taxand’s global capability and market leading reputation in; Argentina, Australia, Chile, China, Colombia, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Singapore South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the Ukraine.

The guide is devised from in-depth research into tax advisors’ client credentials and includes interviews with corporate tax directors and key practitioners in each region.

Taxand provides high quality, integrated tax advice worldwide. Our tax professionals, more than 400 tax partners and over 2,000 tax advisors in nearly 50 countries – grasp both the fine points of tax and the broader strategic implications, helping you mitigate risk, manage your tax burden and drive the performance of your business.

For further details please visit our website

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