- 24th October, 2017The Albanian Institute of Statistics (INSTAT) has reported that during the second quarter of 2017 the unemployment rate in Albania…
- 24th October, 2017The Valued Added Tax is one of the most important taxes in the Albanian fiscal regime. . According to the…
- 18th July, 2017Me anë te ligjit nr.33/2017, i aprovuar në datën 21 prill 2017 dhe i cili hyri në fuqi më 07…
- 18th July, 2017During the visit to Albania of the United Arab Emirates Minister of Energy In October 2015, the two countries signed…
- 18th July, 2017Gjatë vizitës në Shqipëri të Ministrit të Energjisë së Emirateve të Bashkuara Arabe në Tetor 2015, dy vendet nënshkruan Marrëveshje…
- 6th July, 2017With Law no.33/2017, which was approved on the 21st of April 2017 and entered into force on the 7th of…
- 29th June, 2017A new ransomware has risen and is spreading across Europe like wild fire. This new malware is creating chaos across…
- 11th April, 2017By adopting law no.6/2017, the Albanian Parliament amended the 1993 Law on Hydrocarbons (Exploration and Production). These last changes aim…
- 22nd February, 2017On 26th of September 2014, the Republic of Albania and the Republic of Iceland signed a treaty for the avoidance…
- 13th December, 2016In November 2016, the Albanian Parliament approved a large number of changes in one of the main laws regulating the…