- 19th April, 2021[print-me] As of January 1st, 2021, pursuant to Law 87/2019, the tax system reform "On electronic invoicing and turnover monitoring", has officially entered…
- 11th March, 2021[print-me] In June 2020, the Albanian Parliament approved Law 112/2020 On the Register of the Beneficiary Owners. The law has created an…
- 11th July, 2019The 2019 fiscal year in Albania introduced significant changes in the Law on Income Tax. The new law provisions provide…
- 19th March, 2019The new fiscal year in Albania has started with significant changes introduced in the Law on Income Tax. The new…
- 18th January, 2019Këshilli i Ministrave propozoi projektligjin në Parlamentin Shqiptar i cili prezanton disa ndryshime në tatimin mbi të ardhurat. Ky projektligj…
- 18th January, 2019Në datën 25 Tetor 2018 qeveria shqiptare aprovoi ndryshimin e ligjit për lojrat e fatit i cili është efektiv nga…
- 18th December, 2018On October 25 2018, the Albanian government approved the changes to the law on gambling which will become effective as…
- 11th September, 2018The Albanian Council of Ministers proposed a draft law to the Albanian Parliament, which introduces several changes to the income…
- 20th August, 2018In November 2017, with Law no.107, the Albanian Parliament changed the methodology on which the payment of the tax on…
- 25th April, 2018Akti legjislativ shqiptar i cili përcakton parimet dhe rregullat e përgjithshme për përgatitjen e standardeve të kontabilitetit, pasqyrave financiare dhe…