Standard & Poors confirmed the stable outlook for Montenegro

The credit rating Agency ”Standard & Poors” confirmed in its new Report that Montenegro has a stable B+/B credit rating.

The growth of the Montenegrin economy increased to 4.7% in 2018, exceeding the last year’s projections of 3.5% annual growth. Thus the credit analysis confirmed that Montenegro is on a right track.

According to the published report, the positive rating is a result of the numerous activities mostly in the tourism and energy sector. The report states that institutional arrangements also show a positive reform trend.

Furthermore, the agency concluded that there is growing potential for early implementation of structural reforms, something which is necessary in order for Montenegro to become a member of the EU. Montenegro’s credit potential, as further stated, is also strengthened by the prospect of joining the European Union, which is typically accompanied by the strengthening of institutions.

As an important backbone of the future development of Montenegro, the report also highlights the significant amount of direct foreign investments in the past five years, amounting to an average of more than 10% of GDP.

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Taking care of your business in Montenegro since the country’s independence.

Bojana Minic
Investment and Immigration Consultant
Eurofast Global – Montenegro
T. +382 20 228 490
E. [email protected]

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