Montenegro Citizenship by Investment Program News: Government opens applications for Agents and Due – Diligence Firms

The Government of Montenegro adopted the Decision on criteria, method and procedure for selection of persons who may acquire Montenegrin citizenship by admission for the purpose of implementation of special investment program of particular importance for the business and economic interest of Montenegro during its 99th session, effectively defining and announcing the beginning of the Citizenship by Investment Program as of 1st of January 2019th. As defined by the Government, the official name of the program is: The Special Investment Program of Particular Importance for the Business and Economic Interest of Montenegro and it will, as per interpretation, be divided into two phases:

I. Open call for Agents and Due – Diligence Firms
II. Application start for citizenship applicants

On 3rd of January this year, the Secretariat for Development Projects announced the Open Call for intermediary agents and international due diligence agents. The application period was open until 1st February this year. The applicants are to submit an application for acquiring Montenegrin citizenship through an intermediary agent, while the assessment of applicants (due diligence)will be processed via international due diligence agents. The complete due-diligence check will include mandatory evidence of the origin of the money. After the expiration of open call deadlines, the Secretariat for Development Projects will select qualified agents within a period of 30 days and will publish information on the selection on the official website.

The Government has stated that all procedures will be transparent and the opening of the applications will be public.

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Eurofast has been taking care of your business in Montenegro since the country’s independence.

Bojana Minic
Investment and Immigration Consultant
Eurofast Global – Montenegro Office
T. +382 020 228 490
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