The Serbian Business Registers Agency recently announced that will press misdemeanour charges against businesses that have not registered their real owner.
The director of Serbian Business Registers Agency Milan Lučić stated that with the new regulations this matter will be additionally rearranged and will therefore help tracking the flow of money.
In the past companies received enormous money loans from unknown investors to further increase the work of the company. The instructions of international financial organisations confirm that these investors must be identified as they clearly have a crucial influence on decisions in the company although their names never appear in the organisational structure of the company.
Until recently, the submitting entity was obligated to submit the data about the real owner, only in records, and to confirm it with a qualified certificate. The new legislation draft says that all submitting entities will be obligated to submit the real owner data to the Central Data Control of the Business Registers Agency site -accessible only to control organs and not the public. This will help to identify and stop possible threats to the business environment in Serbia.
For further information please contact Ms. Natasa Nedic, Country Executive, at our Eurofast office in Serbia at [email protected]

Natasa Nedic
Country Executive
Eurofast Belgrade
[email protected]