Mergers & Acquisitions during financial crisis

Dealing with recession Mergers and Acquisitions during financial crisis.

The global financial crisis has brought a number of businesses, small, medium and even large ones in a very undesirable position, while many companies, local and global, are attempting to survive in this new world order. Cyprus has not been left unaffected. Eurofast is offering solutions, which can effectively assist a business not only for its survival but also for its welfare.

The difficulties that the financial crisis has brought can be tackled with notable legal and tax means as mergers, reorganization, acquisitions and joint ventures. Companies, which are facing problems of cash flow, but even companies that are trying to stay alive, can take advantage of the best possible tax efficiency with internal reorganizations, mergers and acquisitions. A significant increase has already been observed on companies, which are considering and materialize this idea.

The merger and acquisition of companies aims generally to the union of companies for the creation of a more powerful and stable structure of companies, while a proper planning can product very favorable results as the reduction of risk and the efficiency of tax. Mergers and Acquisitions can also be used for business expansions into new markets, with new prospects, while internal reorganizations can restructure the internal activities of a business for greater efficiency and significant cost savings. Similar outcomes can also result from a joint venture.

Creating a joint venture can turn a difficult, from an economic nature of view, project feasible since with a joint venture the funding may be divided between independent parties and the implementation of the project can become a reality.

Eurofast can provide tax and business advice as well as guidance on subjects of mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures, both on a local and international level through our offices in South East Europe and our exceptional network of external associates.

With headquarters in Nicosia and offices in Athens, Thessaloniki, Sofia, Bucharest, Belgrade, Pontgoritsa, Skopje, Pristina, Panja, Luka, Sarajevo, Zagreb, Cairo and Alexandria, Eurofast is the only organisation of professional services with a single, united administration in South East Europe. Eurofast currently employs more than 220 people in the region, providing accounting services and payroll services, mergers and acquisitions as well as cross-border expansions advice.

If you are interested in learning more on the above subject or whether a merger, acquisition, reorganization or joint venture might facilitate your business, please do not hesitate to contact Eurofast at