Valcheva Prolet

Job Title: HR & Payroll Assistant

Location: Sofia, Bulgaria

Areas of expertise: Accounting, Human resources

+359 2 988 6977
Ext: 2307

Prolet serves as an HR & Payroll Assistant, playing a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of payroll and HR processes within the company. With a background as an accountant and audit assistant, Prolet brings a meticulous eye for detail, enhancing her understanding of the financial intricacies relevant to her current position.

Known for her attention to detail, Prolet adeptly navigates the complex landscape of HR and payroll, ensuring precision in her responsibilities. Her proficiency extends to a deep understanding of local laws, a skill vital for ensuring operational compliance. Prolet looks forward to leveraging her skills and experiences to contribute to the continued success of the company.

Beyond her professional endeavors, Prolet is an avid reader and movie enthusiast, finding solace in walking through the forest. Additionally, she embraces the invigorating activity of running, not only for its physical benefits but also for its role in enhancing her focus and discipline. Prolet brings a well-rounded approach to both her professional and personal pursuits.

Articles by Valcheva Prolet