Trichkova Irina

Job Title: HR and Payroll Specialist

Location: Sofia, Bulgaria

Areas of expertise: Bulgarian payroll (5 years) HR administration (10 years)

+359 2 988 6977
Trichkova Irina Eurofast

Irina Trichkova, an adept HR and Payroll Specialist at Eurofast, boasts 15 years of expertise in Human Resources and Payroll. Renowned for her excellence in professional payroll processing, Irina thrives on tackling intricate HR challenges, finding solutions through collaborative teamwork. Her responsibilities include the meticulous preparation of monthly salaries, job descriptions, and various essential documents. Irina, a proud graduate with a master’s degree in Human Resource Management from the University of National and World Economy in Sofia, ensures seamless communication with clients through her proficient English language skills. Outside the professional realm, Irina finds joy in caring for her family and indulging her passion for reading books.

Articles by Trichkova Irina

Remote Worker typing

Labor Code and Remote Work in Bulgaria

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Eurofast Bulgaria: Length of Employment Service vs Contributory Service

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