Kritsotaki Faye

Job Title: Payroll Specialist

Location: Athens

Areas of expertise: Sales, Administration Payroll

+30 210 82 57 720
Ext: 2144
Kritsotaki Faye Eurofast

In her role as a Payroll Specialist, Faye assumes the responsibility for precise and punctual daily payroll processing, ensuring alignment with Greek Legislation and effectively meeting all customer requirements. She collaborates closely with internal departments, particularly Financial Services, to cater to customer needs.

As a native English speaker and holder of a Proficiency Certificate, Faye’s educational background includes studies in Advertising and Graphic Arts. Her exceptional written and oral communication skills in both English and Greek empower her to effectively engage with clients, resolving issues, and providing valuable advice on best practices. Faye’s expertise contributes to the seamless operation of payroll services at Eurofast.

Articles by Kritsotaki Faye