Giotas Vangelis

Job Title: Payroll Specialist

Location: Athens, Greece

Areas of expertise: Payroll Analysis, Reporting, Creation and control of payroll files

+30 210 8257720
Ext: 2137

Vangelis holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Finance from the Technological Educational Institute of Messolongi. With over four years of experience as an HR Payroll Specialist, including his tenure at Eurofast from 2019 to 2022, Vangelis has developed a strong expertise in payroll management. He has successfully implemented solutions to complex payroll challenges, demonstrating exceptional attention to detail and precision in his calculations. His deep understanding of the company’s operations makes him a valuable resource for resolving salary-related issues. Vangelis is widely recognized for his unwavering commitment to assisting with any problem, a quality that has been highly appreciated by his colleagues.

Articles by Giotas Vangelis