Dervishaj Arjola

Job Title: Payroll Specialist

Location: Athens, Greece

Areas of expertise: Payroll

+30 210 8257 720
Ext: 2149

Arjola Dervishaj is an integral part of the Payroll team at Eurofast Athens. With extensive experience in multinational work environments, she excels in fostering diversity and inclusion to chart the most prosperous course of action. Throughout her career, Arjola has cultivated a professional mindset anchored in teamwork, a positive personality, and creative insights.

As a student at Athens University of Economics and Business and a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, she is committed to constantly improving and enhancing her expertise in her chosen profession. Outside of work, Arjola embraces her passions by traveling whenever possible to explore mesmerizing sites worldwide. She also enjoys excursions with family in the beautiful Greek countryside. Additionally, she indulges in painting whenever inspiration strikes. With a big smile, she looks to the future with optimism and enthusiasm.

Articles by Dervishaj Arjola