The Greek Ministry of Health has recently introduced 10 modern and directly accessible electronic services for the self-employed, the freelancers, and the company employers on a platform named EFKA (e-EFKA), in an effort to battle the existing bureaucracy. These services are only a few of the 50 in total electronic services that are being provided by the institution’s platform.
The strategy aims to minimize the physical presence visits to EFKA, to eliminate any unnecessary hassle and to provide uninterrupted 24-hour service for all citizens. The goal of e-EFKA is that all transactions will be conducted electronically.
Consequently, more than 5 million electronic transactions are expected to take place in 2021, saving thousands of man-hours.
In detail, the e-EFKA services, as presented, are the following:
1) Selection of insurance category of main insurance, auxiliary insurance, and one-time benefits
2) Start/Change/Termination of self-employed insurance
3) Service for the acceptance of contracts par. 9 of article 39 of Law 4387/2016 (DPY). It is aimed at freelancer professionals
4) Medical services. Every self-employed individual can access in real time to the electronic medical care service (health providers, pharmacies, doctors, etc.)
5) Granting medical services to an indirect member and inventory in the register of e-EFKA
6) Social security clearance certificates. This service allows natural and legal persons, including the self-employed insured, to receive such clearance. Over 560,000 (employed, freelancers and legal entities) utilized this electronic service in the past two months (March-April 2021)
7) Obtaining Certificates of paid social security contributions for the tax year
8) Getting e-Registration certificate
9) Electronic Services of the Insurance Debt Collection Center (K.E.A.O.)
10) Online service request/appointment. For those transactions that cannot be done electronically, it is possible to arrange an appointment at the carrier’s physical branches
11) Interconnection of e-EFKA with GEMI
Not so long ago, the EFKA electronic interface was completed by the trade registry (GEMI) for the establishment of new companies. Currently the registration of the legal representative/founder of the company in the e-EFKA system is being completed within a few seconds instead of the 4-day valid until recently timeframe. Over the last month, since April 2021, more than 2,000 registration cases for setting up new companies have already been processed in an automatic, fast, and electronic way.
By using the Employer Registration Number provided from the trade registry, e-EFKA grants electronic credentials, and the Company or the freelancer can proceed with the personnel recruitment to gain access to even more electronic services provided from the above-mentioned platform.
If you need further information or assistant, please contact Mr. Kostas Sakkas, Chief Accountant, at Eurofast office in Greece, Athens at [email protected] .
Eurofast is a regional business advisory organisation employing local advisors in over 23 cities in South East Europe & the Middle East . The Organization is uniquely positioned as one stop shop for investors and companies looking for professional services in South East Europe & the Middle East.

Chief Accountant
Eurofast Athens
[email protected]