Eurofast presents Taxand Business Tools for 2017

Eurofast, is pleased to share the results of two valuable business tools prepared by Taxand advisors uncovering a number of thought-provoking facts and number.

The first report, Taxand’s Global Survey 2016, examines the latest global tax issues affecting multinationals today and generating discussions. These include:

  • 81% respondents said they anticipate tax competition between countries will increase
  • 89% of respondents believe that increasing global tax transparency will increase the cost of compliance
  • 91% of respondents said exposure to the public of tax planning activities has a detrimental impact on a company’s reputation
  • 75% of respondents said they are concerned about the potential exposure of information provided to meet the proposed country by country reporting standards

The second report, Taxand Global BEPS report, provides a summary of the impact to date of the OECD’s BEPS project on local legislation and tax inquiries.

Eurofast is Taxand Cyprus. Taxand provides high quality, integrated tax advice worldwide. Our tax professionals, more than 400 tax partners and over 2,000 tax advisors in nearly 50 countries – grasp both the fine points of tax and the broader strategic implications, helping you mitigate risk, manage your tax burden and drive the performance of your business.

We hope you find these reports a useful guide as you consider your priorities for the year ahead!

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