Eurofast; Happy 10 year anniversary Taxand; Leading the way on global tax policy

Eurofast; Happy 10 year anniversary Taxand; Leading the way on global tax policy
Taxand, the world’s largest global organisation of tax advisors to multinational businesses, today marks its tenth anniversary, celebrating its expansion from nine founding countries to nearly 50 worldwide and becoming the only truly global entity which solely advises on tax.

Taxand was founded in 2005 by an entrepreneurial group of tax firms who identified a need for an independent global tax organisation that did not carry out attest work. With the common goal of delivering advice on a global scale Taxand has gone on to extend its team to over 2,000 tax advisors, with more than 400 tax partners worldwide. With such an extensive team, operating across every continent, Taxand has become renowned for its breadth of knowledge and expertise across nine different service lines in which it specialises, including transfer pricing, M&A, indirect and international tax.

Testament to this is Taxand’s strong track record of providing award winning service to its multinational clients. Taxand has won 79 International Tax Review (ITR) awards in total since 2009 and over 75% of Taxand countries are ranked in the ITR’s World Tax Guide 2015 of leading tax firms. This expertise is not only acknowledged by Taxand’s clients and award programmes, but within the media, as Taxand regularly provides insight on corporate tax policy proposals and legislation across international and national publications.

Tim Wach, Global Managing Director, Taxand, commented:

“Ten years has seen much development and change across the international tax landscape, but Taxand has progressed along with it. From 2005 we have grown in number, depth and strength to be able to confidently navigate our clients’ tax needs.

“Issues of corporate tax in a globalised and digital era have grown in number, breadth and complexity, as is evidenced most recently in OECD initiatives such as BEPS. Taxand has been an industry leader in advising clients on how to effectively navigate such changes. The only thing that hasn’t changed, and won’t change in the years to come, is Taxand’s primary objective: to provide responsive, independent expert tax advice to clients across the world, regardless of jurisdiction and geographical location.”