Changes to Law on Cash Registers in Republic of Srpska entity, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia & Herzegovina/October 2014

The National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska (RS) on 15 July 2014 adopted the amendments to the Law on Cash Registers, which entered into force on 1 August 2014.

The changes have been announced in the Official Gazette of RS, edition number 65, dated 24 July 2014.

The Law provides for an exemption from the obligation to register invoices with the tax authorities through the use of cash registers for the following taxpayers:

• farmers not registered for VAT
• craftsmen and sole entrepreneurs,
• banks, stock brokers and insurance agencies
• communal public companies
• postal companies
• statutory insurance funds
• religious institutions
• lawyers
• artists
• libraries, museums and archives
• households providing tourist services
• educational institutions
• sales through vending machines,
• shoeshine business and street sales
• lottery games
• wholesale sales of goods and services

The Law on Fiscal Systems in the RS came into effect at the end of 2008, while the first deadline for fiscalization and implementation of the fiscal record turnover in the Federation was at the end of 2010.

The fiscal system or its parts can only be sold by registered manufacturers or agents approved for this type of fiscal system.

The taxpayer is required to keep a daily report book for each fiscal device, during each calendar year. The taxpayer is also required to create and print a daily report at the end of the workday, at least once a day, provided there is any turnover during that day. A periodic report should also be created and printed on the last day of each tax period. Each printed daily and periodical report needs to be filed in a daily report book in chronological order.

Dajana Topic

[email protected]
Eurofast Global, Banja Luka Office /B&H
Vase Pelagica 12
78000 Banja Luka, B&H
Tel.: +387 51 961 610

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