Έλεγχος – επισκόπηση: Το Διεθνές Πρότυπο Αναθέσεων Επισκοπήσεων (ISRE) 2400
2nd October, 2020[print-me] Στην εποχή που η διαφάνεια των οικονομικών καταστάσεων καθίσταται αναγκαία και χρήσιμη για τις Εταιρίες, ο έλεγχος- επισκόπηση είναι…60-day rule – Cyprus Tax Residency
26th August, 2020[print-me] According to the Income Tax Law of 2002, the Cyprus tax residency- based system constitutes individuals physically spending over…القانون رقم 170 لسنة 2020
21st August, 2020النقاط الرئيسية و التنفيذ : يستقطع 1 % شهريا ً من صافى الرواتب و ذلك لمدة (12) شهر و 0.5…EGYPT ISSUES LAW 170 ON SALARIES AND PENSIONS DEDUCTIONS DURING THE PANDEMIC
20th August, 2020[print-me] On August 13th 2020, the Government of Egypt issued Law No. 170 for the year 2020. The law requires…Εισαγωγή εταιρείας στη Ν.Ε.Α Αγορά του ΧΑΚ
28th July, 2020[print-me] Είναι ευρέως γνωστό, ότι η Κύπρος διαθέτει ένα πολύ ανταγωνιστικό φορολογικό σύστημα. Δίνονται ουσιαστικά κίνητρα σε επιχειρήσεις που θέλουν…Cyprus – Switzerland DTT and signed Protocol
27th July, 2020[print-me] Cyprus and Switzerland, signed a protocol on Monday 21st July 2020, amending the existing double taxation agreement of 2014…Controlled foreign companies (CFC) rules in Ukraine
22nd July, 2020[print-me] The controlled foreign companies (“CFC”) rules are a powerful mechanism allowing authorities to tax the foreign profits of residents.…Bulgaria enters the Eurozone’s “waiting room”
16th July, 2020[print-me] Germany’s assumption of the Presidency of the EU began on the 10th of July 2020. Along with it came…Ukraine is launching a pilot project of E-residency
6th July, 2020On Thursday, June 25, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a decree "On implementation of a pilot project of…СОЗДАНИЕ ИНВЕСТИЦИОННОГО И ИММИГРАЦИОННОГО ПЛАНА В ЭПОХУ COVID-19
22nd April, 2020[print-me] Непредсказуемое появление COVID-19 потрясло мир. Нынешние события в эпоху нестабильности непременно окажут значительное влияние на то, что будет завтра.…