Bulgarian Unemployment Benefits in 2024: Criteria, Documentation, and Claim Process

Discover the conditions for acquiring unemployment benefits in Bulgaria, the amounts for 2024, and the deadlines for receiving them. Learn about the eligibility criteria, necessary documentation, and the process for claiming your benefits.

Eligibility for Unemployment Benefits:

  • Individuals with terminated employment who were insured for at least 12 months in the last 18 months are eligible for unemployment compensation.
  • The eligibility, duration, and amount depend on when and on what grounds the employment was terminated.

Requirements to Receive Benefits:

  • Register as unemployed at the Labor Bureau in Bulgaria
  • Not have the right to a pension for insurance service and age in Bulgaria or an old-age pension in another country.
  • Not be engaged in work requiring compulsory insurance under the Bulgarian Social Security Code or the legislation of another country

Documents Needed for Registration:

  • Unemployed persons must register with the Labor Bureau within 7 days of termination.
  • Unemployment compensation is granted based on an Application-declaration for registration at the Labor Office.

The application can be submitted electronically or on paper to the relevant Labor Bureau.

Unemployment Benefit Amount:

  • The daily unemployment benefit is 60% of the average daily remuneration or average daily insurance income. This income is based on insurance contributions paid or due to the “Unemployment” fund over the last 24 months preceding the month of insurance termination.
  • The benefit amount ranges from a minimum of BGN 18 per day (for 2024) to a maximum of BGN 107.14 per day (for 2024).

Unemployment Benefits Duration and Payment Schedule:

Unemployment cash benefits are paid monthly, in the month following the one they are due. The duration of benefits is based on the length of insurance service after December 31, 2001:

  • Up to 3 years of work experience: 4 months
  • From 3 years and 1 day to 7 years: 6 months
  • From 7 years and 1 day to 11 years: 8 months
  • From 11 years and 1 day to 15 years: 10 months
  • Over 15 years: 12 months

In Bulgaria, unemployment benefits are available to individuals who meet specific criteria.For more information on the separate amendments and the new texts described in this article, please feel free to reach out to Eurofast professionals in Sofia. We’re here to assist you at  Sofia@eurofast.eu.

Natalia Rumyanova
Head of EOR Department
Eurofast Sofia