Cyprus 60-day rule: The best kept secret in Global Mobility

As per Cyprus Tax legislation, an individual is considered to be a tax resident in Cyprus if they spend more than 183 days in Cyprus during a tax year.

The above Law has further amended in 2017 and in accordance with the amended legislation an individual can be considered tax resident in Cyprus as per the 60-day rule. This legislation is effective since 1.1.2017 and is applicable if all the following conditions are met:

  • The individual resides in Cyprus for at least 60 days.
  • The individual is not a tax resident in another country for the same tax year.
  • The individual does not spend more than 183 days in any other country.
  • Maintains a permanent residence in Cyprus, either owned or rented.
  • Carry out business and/or be employed and/or hold an office in the Republic of Cyprus at any time during the year of assessment.

For the purposes of both the ‘183-day rule’ and the ’60-day rule’, days in and out of Cyprus are calculated as follows:

  • The day of departure from Cyprus counts as a day of residence outside Cyprus.
  • The day of arrival in Cyprus counts as a day of residence in Cyprus.
  • Arrival and departure from Cyprus in the same day counts as one day of residence in Cyprus, and
  • Departure and arrival in Cyprus in the same day counts as one day of residence outside Cyprus.

Cy tax residents are eligible to various benefits such as mentioned below.

50% tax exemption for employees whose first employment in Cyprus begun from 1 January 2022 onwards, with an annual salary that exceeds €55,000 p.a. The exemption applies for 17 years.

For additional information or assistance please contact our local advisors at our Eurofast office in Cyprus at

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