Personal by Eurofast

Personal by Eurofast

“Personal” by Eurofast

(Free advice)

We are pleased to present Eurofast’s new initiative which we call “Personal by Eurofast”.

Our goal is to become your own personal financial advisor offering you personal, flexible and quick advice to questions that concern you, given the current economic situation. If you have lost money or if you were a shareholder or bondholder in any of the two banks, please contact us so we can try to help you for free.

Eurofast has been offering personalized professional services in the Cypriot market for over 30 years and through this new initiative we aim to give back to the community for all these years of support and preference. This is our contribution to the current market conditions to our fellow citizens, which has had a big impact in our lives.

Eurofast has also been greatly affected by the current conditions too. Nevertheless, we have decided not to dismiss any of our employees. We will face this challenge together as a family with the support of the rest of the 200 colleagues in Eurofast’s offices abroad.

Drop by our office during working hours for free financial and tax advice as well as legal support through our network of associates. No meeting arrangement is required. Our professionals are at your disposal.

For further details please contact Sofoklis Paraschou by e-mail at sofoklis.paraschou@eurofast.euThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone at 22-699222.