- 13th April, 2020[print-me] Τα τελευταία μέτρα στήριξης της ελληνικής Κυβέρνησης κατά της εξάπλωσης του Covid-19, που αποφασίστηκαν στις 30.03.2020, περιλαμβάνουν, μεταξύ άλλων,…
- 13th April, 2020[print-me] The latest support measures of the Greek Government against the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak, adopted on 30.03.2020, include,…
- 13th April, 2020[print-me] FIND YOUR RELATIVES IN ROMANIA First, you must find out if your parents or grandparents were Romanian citizens and…
- 13th April, 2020[print-me] The permanent type of VISA is only for foreigners who want to stay in Serbia for a long period…
- 10th April, 2020[print-me] 100 years after the Spanish flu, a new pandemic strikes the world, impeding free movement, considerably slowing down the…
- 9th April, 2020[print-me] According to the Greek Ministerial Decision 12889/2020 (Official Gazette 1086 Β/30-3-2020), the validity period of residence permits, residence cards…
- 4th April, 2020[print-me] When addressing his nation regarding the Covid19 pandemic, Vladimir Putin made an unexpected announcement regarding Russian Double Tax Treaties:…
- 3rd April, 2020[print-me] Έχουν περάσει σχεδόν τρεις μήνες από τότε που το ελληνικό Κοινοβούλιο επικύρωσε το νέο φορολογικό νόμο, υπ’ αριθμ. 4646/2019,…
- 3rd April, 2020[print-me] Law 4646/2019, as in force, from 12.12.2019, introduced significant changes in the Greek Income Tax Code, amongst others, the…
- 1st April, 2020[print-me] Виза E-2 в США является одним из самых популярных видов на жительство для предпринимателей, желающих инвестировать и жить в…