- 28th March, 2016Greece | March 2016 | Recently, the Greek Finance Minister, Euclid Tsakalotos, announced new modifications to the still -in-force capital…
- 28th March, 2016Egypt | March 2016 | Mandatory GOEIC Registration for importing products Egypt’s Ministry of Trade and Industry issued Decree 43/2016…
- 28th March, 2016Albania | March 2016 | On January 21st, 2016, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania adopted a…
- 28th March, 2016Georgia | March 2016 | The Ministry of Finance of Georgia has recently initiated important changes in the system of…
- 28th March, 2016Bulgaria | March 2016 | On February 12th, 2016, Bulgaria ratified the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters,…
- 28th March, 2016Bosnia & Herzegovina | March 2016 | On November 11th, 2015, a new Instruction issued by the Director of the…
- 28th March, 2016Cyprus | March 2016 | Tax structuring has been a very complicated issue for many years with clients being continuously…
- 7th March, 2016Cyprus | March 2016 On December 10th, 2015, the Cyprus House of Representatives voted into law numerous anticipated tax law…
- 1st March, 2016On February 17th, 2016 Eurofast held a networking cocktail in Kyiv, to welcome the company’s new Director for Eastern Europe,…