Giannakari Anastasia

Job Title: Payroll Specialist

Location: Athens, Greece

Areas of expertise: Payroll, Human Resources

+30 210 82 57 720
Ext: 2143

Anastasia is a valued member of the Eurofast payroll team, bringing a wealth of expertise and knowledge to her role. Holding a Bachelor of Public Administration from Panteion University, Anastasia specializes in Public Institutions. Her strong academic foundation enriches her contributions to the team. Additionally, she has pursued executive payroll seminars to further enhance her skills and stay abreast of industry developments.

Prior to joining Eurofast, Anastasia built a robust background in Human Resources Management, demonstrating excellent knowledge of Payroll and Labor Legislation. Her experience and proficiency in these areas make her a valuable asset to the Eurofast team. She plays an integral role in ensuring the success of payroll operations.

Articles by Giannakari Anastasia